Last of the Red Hot Lovers
Middle-age, married, and overweight Barney wants to join the sexual revolution before it’s too late and arranges 3 seductions. The first: a foul-mouthed bundle of neuroses. The next: a 20ish too kooky actress. Last: gloomy housewife with a surprising twist.
Tickets on sale March 3rd

Showtimes -
7:30pm on Fridays & Saturdays
3pm on Sundays
Reserving Tickets
When do tickets go on sale?
The reservation line opens to the public on the Monday prior to the opening show date. Tickets can be reserved either through the box office or through online ticketing on our website.
Season Ticket holders will have an additional week to make reservations BEFORE they open to the public – watch your mail for a reminder!
Ticket prices
Plays are $17 for adults and $15 for students.
Musicals are $20 for adults and $17 for students.
Senior Citizen discount are available for matinees only ($15 for plays and $17 for musicals).
Reserving through the box office
The office is open Monday - Wednesday from 7pm - 9pm.
Phone number is 330-652-1103.
You may pay for your reservations with a credit card (fees will apply) OR you may choose to "will call", where you pay at the counter the night of the show.
You must speak with one of our volunteers to make reservations. Please do not leave reservation information on the voicemail as it must be confirmed in an actual conversation.
Please be patient as we are an all volunteer organization.
Reserving online
You can purchase your tickets from the link at the top of THIS page.
You will need to have a debit/credit card (there is an additional fee).
Unfortunately you cannot reserve same day tickets online as the Tix portal closes 24 hours prior to curtain. We do accept walk-ins if seating is available.
Advanced cash/check payments
Please DO NOT come to the theatre to make your reservations. For security reasons, the theatre is not open to the public.
If you would like to drop off a check to pay for reservations you have made, please drop it in the secure "Drop Slot" in the far left door on the east side patio.
Purchase at the door
Tickets can be purchased at the box office ONLY (online ticket portal closes 24 hours prior to curtain) on performance nights beginning an hour before showtime.
We only accept CASH or CHECK on performance nights.
Group Tickets
We offer group prices for groups of 6 or more.
For non-musicals the group price per person is $16 and for musicals $19.
Reservations must be made and paid in advanced no later than 7 days prior to the date reserved. See Reserving through the box office above.
Changing reservations:
If you are changing the date, we may not be able to accommodate all (or any) of your party on the new date.
If you are reducing the number of seats you need and drop below the minimum of 10 for the group rate, we will charge you the full rate. NOTE: Cancellations/Reductions MUST be made 48 hours in advance of the production to receive a refund.
If you are increasing the number of seats you need, we may not have any additional seats available or the additional seats may not be with your group.
If any of your party have special seating needs (wheelchair, hard of hearing, etc), you must make those arrangements when you call to make the reservation and subject to availability.
Seating Arrangement
Trumbull New Theatre seats approximately 150 patrons plus the volunteers needed to operate our facility safely. Below is a general rendering of seating in our auditorium.
Handicapped (wheelchair deck) is on the left – rows H & J. Center J can be reached without encountering steps as well and is a good option for those with mobility issues not involving a wheelchair. Certain seats in Center Row K and Right Rows H & J are set aside for staff seating – for everyone’s safety our people are placed to assist in an emergency.