Support TNT
Trumbull New Theatre is a non-profit organization and actively seeks donations from the community and businesses. We will gladly accept donations in any amount. TNT qualifies as a 501(c)(3) organization and your contributions could be tax deductible (check with you financial adviser).

Donations can be general – allowing us to direct the funds to any area needing additional funding. Or specific – you can direct your donation to be used for a specific purpose – for example: upkeep of grounds, scholarship fund, stipends for musicians/choreographers, capital improvements (resurfacing stage, upgrading lights/sound, parking lot repairs/maintenance, etc).
Additionally, you may choose to support a specific production. Again, any amount is gladly accepted. You can simply identify which show you are supporting or offer to underwrite a show (this amount varies depending on the royalties/costuming/professional services needed).
To make a donation, make checks payable to TRUMBULL NEW THEATRE, INC and mail it to: Attn: Treasurer, Trumbull New Theatre, 5883 Youngstown Warren Rd, Niles, OH 44446. If you are donating to a specific area or project, please clearly indicate where you would like your money spent.
Endowment Fund
Originally established with a bequest from one of our long-time patrons, the Endowment Fund provides funds in the event of a catastrophic event befalling our theatre. A committee has been established to monitor the investing and ensure that the principal of the fund is preserved and proved responsible return on the investments using the advice of professional financial and legal planners.
TNT qualifies as a 501(c)(3) organization and your contributions could be tax deductible (check with you financial adviser).
Please consider contributing to help TNT live long and strong to provide season after season of great entertainment.

Scholarship Fund
TNT offers college scholarships for students who have shown an interest in community theatre. The amount of the scholarship varies each year and is dependent on the number of qualified applicants and the amount available in the fund. The recipients can use this award to pay for books, tuition, transportation, etc.
These scholarships help our community by assisting people to further their educational goals and establishing a positive link to the arts, specifically to the wonder of live theater.
Consider donating to our scholarship fund! Simply drop off or mail your contribution to: Trumbull New Theatre, 5883 Youngstown-Warren Rd, Niles, Ohio 44446 (make it payable to Trumbull New Theatre – Scholarship Fund)